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Writer's pictureDianna

Abiding in God

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Have a special nook or cozy space where you like to do your devotions?

devotional space

Do you tend to have a special connection with God when you're out in nature, enjoying all of the sights and sounds around you?

Where do you abide with God?

Although we know we can meet with Him anytime and anywhere, sometimes we're able to sink into His presence more fully in a particular place or through a familiar routine.

What environmental triggers stimulate your senses to slow down and dwell in His Word or dive into meaningful prayer?

Our theme for February is ABIDING In God. We'll have a lot to ponder!

Let's get the February calendar prepped with our daily verses:

At the bottom of the calendar page where I had some extra space, I wrote out a verse to focus on... there's a lot of depth in this verse alone!

"If you abide in my Word, you are truly My disciples." John 8:31
February 2022 calendar page in Monthly Bible Quilt Journal

You can also see on my calendar that I'm noting a letter-of-the-week as a prompt for my progress in my ABC journal and I've jotted in our Zoom chat on Feb 8th. (I might add another one later in the month.)

The reference list is available with the 2022 Monthly BQ Bookmark set. Thanks to my Kansas friend, Paula, for cultivating this great collection for us! She shared a set of her flip cards with me... aren't they cute?

You can handwrite your choice of Bible translation on a blank set of flip cards or get a set with the Abiding verses already typed using the ESV. (Thanks, Mary Jo!)

Once you've got your scriptures, you're ready to start Bible Quilting your pages.

2-page spread ABIDING

You can choose whichever quilt square you'd like to begin. Consider the length of the verse to estimate the best fit for each one. Sometimes I'll select a portion of the verse that captures the main point related to our topic, using the full verse I've got on my flip card set as a resource.

Abiding in Him, getting started

Gradually our pages will fill up with impactful scripture as we add our daily verses:

This Abide-n-Love sticker sheet might help you embellish your pages and flip cards.

Abide & Love sticker sheet

Our featured template for this cold and sometimes dreary month of February is the Home Fireplace. Enjoy decorating a cozy scene in which you can Abide in God's Word.

Home Fireplace template in Monthly Bible Quilt journal

This template is available in the shop so even if you don't have the Monthly BQJ, you can still create with it. You might be interested in the HOME template as you consider how you're Praying Over Your Home during this season.

Here's a look at my process: Cozy Up by the Fireplace

As we dig into ABIDE a little deeper, sometimes it's helpful to explore synonyms of words and get ideas for additional BQ pages as you follow these leads. DWELL is a great synonym to consider. Here's a page I did a couple years ago as I focused on scriptures related to DWELLING in HIS WORD:

DWELL page in bible Quilt journal

As we move into February, it's natural to tap into themes related to LOVE. This was our topic last February so you can find some resources through our 28 Days of Love series. It will be interesting to see how ABIDE and LOVE intertwine for us as we create in the days ahead!

February in the BQ Wall Calendar

If you have a 2022 BQ Calendar, the featured template is called Love is. The template is also available as a printable if you don't have the calendar.

You can use some of the verses from this month's reference list or select whatever verses you'd like to motivate you during February.

If you haven't done a page on the "Love Chapter," check out this post re: Bible Quilting 1 Corinthians 13. This process video will walk you through the steps:

Alrighty, my friends, I hope this prompts you with some starters for February when you're ready to begin. I hope you enjoy your developing journey of ABIDING with the Lord!

P.S. ABIDE was my #wordfortheyear a couple years ago & I loved it! I'm looking forward to deepening my perspective since doing those pages.


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