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Creativity comes in all flavors

Writer's picture: DiannaDianna

Our BQ community dabbles in a variety of creative ventures as our pages develop over time.

Ladies at Bible Quilting session

We get to stretch our handlettering styles and tap into our artistic abilities as we make illustrations for the scriptures we're writing.

During group sessions I love how one person's creativity spurs on others at her table. We make connections as we pass washi tape back and forth, sharing our favorite verses and color combos along the way.

cinnamon roll

Last summer I enjoyed meeting with some ladies at a local church to introduce them to Bible Quilting. I shared in one of several breakout sessions offering a variety of creative projects.

Prior to the breakout session, we all gathered together and listened to a lovely lady teach us how to make her "famous" cinnamon rolls.

As she shared her tips and tricks that were second nature to her, it was obvious that her culinary expertise was her own creative expression. She converted basic ingredients like flour and sugar into a tasty treat full of mouth-watering flavor for us to enjoy.

Maybe your creative spirit flourishes in the garden?

I have a dear friend, Tami, who nurtures her garden well. She enjoys how God's nature nourishes her soul as its growth ebbs and flows throughout the seasons. She often gets inspiration from her time in the garden to create beautiful pages in her BQ journal. Here's a snippet she shared with us last spring:

What other seasonal interests stimulate creativity in your family?

Sometimes doing a puzzle with a teenaged son is a humbling reminder of our own particular talents... one with his spatial skills contrasting with my eyes attuned to shades of color. One piece at a time we gradually work together until the whole picture comes into perspective.

My husband just happened to get our family a puzzle of the earth for Christmas, so it's quite fitiing to be working on it during this month's series on Creation. It only took God 7 days to create the heavens and the earth. Apparently, it's taking us a little longer! 😉

earth puzzle, in progress

Paper crafting is another whole creative outlet, whether it's card making, scrapbooking, or playing around adding bits & pieces into a junk journal.

Last week for the very first time in a looonnnngg time, I pulled out some scrapbook supplies and followed a sketch to make a colorful layout.

Historically my scrapbook experience involved a lot of blues and earth tones to make pages for my boys. It was fun to break out some girlie colors and glittery alpha letters!

scrapbook page: Be in the Photo

As busy Moms we're often the ones behind the lens, documenting our family members and all their events & shenanigans, right? Last summer our women's group met at a local farm to pick zinnias and someone snapped photos of each of us during the event. When the photos were later shared with all of us, I was amazed at how vibrant and happy everyone looked out in a field of zinnias. Then I was struck by how most of us probably don't have a individual picture of ourselves. Lesson learned: Be IN the photos!!

I think that's the important part of acknowledging we ARE creative beings. When we're in the midst of a creative process - - - perhaps even "in the flow" - - - we capture the essence of what's within us and experience an alignment in our spirit that we don't feel otherwise.

31 Days of Creation, 2-page spread

I'm hopeful that as we've explored the gift of God's creation this month that you've identified some of your own creativity.

Our differences make for some delightful combinations and adventurous interactions when we come together.


Embrace whatever YOUR style is

and remember that creativity

comes in ALL flavors!


Savor a favorite verse...and see what blossoms for you.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
"Create in me" page in my Bible Quilt Journal

Join our next BQ Chat to share what creative outlets you've been pursuing or ideas you have for incorporating more play into your routines. We'll be chatting about our February theme of Abiding in God... and maybe dipping into some valentine project ideas.

Scrapbook project: Christmas Ornament albums

Try out watercolor pencils: How to Bible Quilt a Single verse

Have some fun with sticky notes: How to make a Post-It Note page in your BQJ

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Jan 28, 2022

What a blessing to hear the audio of Tami sharing her BQ verses in her bird-singing garden! And what a beautiful scrapbook page of you, Dianna, with the zinnia farm day photos. I'm always in awe of your creativity and . Thanks for the reminder that we are all creative in some way because of our Creator.

Jan 28, 2022
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Isn't that a lovely garden setting? She has the gift of teaching and has blessed many of us over the years. Thank you...I'm trying to expand my creative options in this wintry season before I get too distracted by outdoor activities! 😀


Jan 28, 2022

I love Tami's Encouraging Word! Thank you for including it in this blog. We are so blessed to have the Lord's watch care over us.

Jan 28, 2022
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It's incredible to think of ALL the details He's crafting and nurturing just for us! 🌟

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