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31 Days of Wisdom -> Jan 2021

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

NEW YEAR. Fresh perspective.

Let's face it. 2020 has been a doozy. Let's glean what lessons we've learned from living through a pandemic season and focus on 31 Days of Wisdom for the wintry month of January and launch the new year well!

There's something invigorating about starting a freshly printed journal and personalizing it for the year ahead.

Grab your Month-by-Month Bible Quilt Journal and join us on a journey through scripture as we explore a new topic each month of the year!

I'm kickstarting my preparation for our January theme by decorating my calendar page and adding the daily references.

Here's the link to the first quarter's list of references. They're formatted so you can cut them into bookmarks, which can be slipped into the book pocket at the back of the journal so they will be easily accessible.

If you want a more durable set, you can print the lists out on card stock and laminate them.

I added some seasonal papers and stickers to the backside of mine, then hole-punched them after they were laminated so I could tie a ribbon on for texture.

Thanks to Pip, a Bible Quilter from Maine, for developing January's list of verses and getting our monthly series on WISDOM off to a great start! As we've learned from 2020, discernment to make wise choices in the midst of arising challenges is very important and helps ground us during uncertain times.

I chose one verse to highlight on my calendar page as an anchor verse for January.

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies,

and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8:11

I'm writing out the reference verses fully on my flip card set, adding some doodles here and there. I like having the full scriptures on my flip cards because I will use them as a resource later - - - plus it helps familiarize me with the context. (sample flip card set video)

When I write the verses on my 31-day pages, I may only put main phrases or key words depending on space constraints of the quilt squares or the embellishments I want to include.

This is about as much prep work as I typically do before the beginning of the new month, so I'm ready to hop in fresh when the month actually starts.

Since we're starting a new year with a new journal, you can be prayerfully considering what your "word" or focus for 2021 is going to be. Collect verses that support your word/phrase and start getting creative with that page. Keep in mind that you may get additional verses or insight as the year progresses, so don't feel pressure to fill it in all at once. You might find my #wordfortheyear post from last year helpful re: the process I went through previously.

You may also begin thinking about how you'd like to complete the "Remember" Sticky Note page that is paired with January. We often start the year with a lot of fresh ideas and energy for new routines so you could do something along those lines or incorporate some of the scriptures on Wisdom.

READING CHALLENGE: Since Proverbs is so full of wisdom and has 31 chapters, I'm challenging myself to read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Join me and let me know how it goes for you! #digdeeper #readingchallenge #proverbs

Maybe you're planning on reading through the Bible this year?

You can use the Bible Reading Tracker to colorfully mark your progress.

Daily reading in Proverbs, using the Passion translation

We are empowered when we join together in the Word.

Isn't it lovely to think about sisters in Christ committing to the same scriptures for an entire year, reading and praying over them daily, in one accord?

I hope exploring these monthly topics together invites you deeper into this encouraging community of believers and allows you some inspirational accountability throughout the year.

"That together we may with one voice

glorify the God

and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Romans 15:6

*** Here's to a happy & healthy 2021, Friends! ***

Let's do this!!


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