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Oh Christmas Tree, how we're drawn to Thee!

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

There's something about a Christmas tree that sparks joy in our hearts and stirs up the spirit of the season within us.

Nothing quite signifies the beginning of the holiday season like a Christmas tree.

Often a Christmas tree is the focal point of our home's holiday decorations. Many of us have handmade treasures tucked amidst the branches, reminding us of elementary art projects and glimpses of our childhoods now past. We store a lot of sentiment and tradition within those prickly needles and temperamental twinkle lights.

A Christmas tree is the gathering place of family activities and a bright backdrop to snap a family photo.

It's also the centralized point for stashing gifts to one another, stacking them up in anticipation of Christmas morning. In some households, the tree can even be the playground of feisty cats and the target of ambitious toddlers.

Festooned with twinkle lights and shiny ornaments, our cherished trees are a cheerful beacon at the end of the day to relax with loved ones in its shimmering glow as you read aloud the Christmas story or watch a holiday movie.


We've probably all made a Christmas tree as a holiday art project in elementary school. As an iconic image of the season, it's probably time we've had some creativity making a Christmas tree with some new elements, right?

Let's have some fun making a colorful Christmas tree out of WASHI TAPE! Yep, one of our favorite craft supplies is the star of the show here.

Here's an adorable one that my friend, Mary Jo, shared with me:

The concept is pretty simple: layer strips of washi tape, gradually narrowing as you reach the top. Then adorn the tree with a star. Easy peasy!! Draw in some lights or use more washi tape to make a festive border at the top of the BQ page. You can use these washi tape trees for any holiday theme to "quilt" scripture around.

Last week at the BQ Open House I shared this little crafty technique and these girls made some cu-uute washi tape trees!

You can align your tree to be oriented either horizontally or vertically on the page. You can use different washi tape for every layer or repeat several to have a pattern.

Since brown washi tape is hard to find, consider using a plaid or polka dot for the trunk. Add stickers or cut washi tape to make ornaments for your tree.

Have a snowflake stamp? A few snowflakes splashed around would make a lovely background.

Have some gift stickers? Scatter a few under the tree. There are lots of possibilities to add some holiday sparkle!

You can even use this technique to make personalized cards for family members. Fold a piece of cardstock, then make the washi tape tree on the cover. Add some BQ stitch lines around the perimeter for border and you're all set to open it up to write a note on the inside. I bet grandparents would love these!

Alrighty, got those creative juices flowing??

Here's a sample page with a single verse. I added a few stickers and cut out an ornament tag to use for the tab.

Check out this last BQ Zoom chat with fellow bible Quilters to get some tips re: making your own washi tape trees.

We'd love to see some of YOUR washi tape tree creations. Just pop them into the Comments below!

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