As women, we tend to allow that extra "X" chromosome to push us to focus on outward appearance, seeking ways to freshen up our external "beauty." With all the age-defying, youth-revitalizing, positively radiant moisturizing "lotions and potions" available now, it's overwhelming.

I love a pony-tail, no make-up, flannel shirt over a cozy t-shirt kind of "Be Still" for awhile and not have to "fancy up" for anything.
With 90 minutes before the hustle-bustle comes home, I approach my quiet time with the Lord, by playing Cloverton's song "Take Me Into the Beautiful."
Here's a few of my favorite phrases:
"Take me into the beautiful...with a love unexplainable"
"Let it open our hearts up to let us feel You inside of us"
"Take me into the beautiful ...where the love that never ends"
"Take me into the beautiful where the faces glow"
"Gently lift me with your grace"
"Cover me with Your mercy; come and cover me with love
Cover me so that all might see that it's You not me: It is You that I am singing of"
"Your love is brighter than diamonds now that I'm with You"
When we move into God's beautiful presence, we are more able to reflect His light and our inner beauty through Him. He covers our blemishes with His love and uplifts us with His grace. God doesn't care if we come to Him with our 3-day hair and yesterday's yoga pants. He invites us to come as we are and looks at our hearts, not our freckly age spots or tired eyes.

Our beauty lies in the daily regimen of building up a Gentle & Quiet spirit, edifying ourselves in His Word and sitting in His presence over and over again.
"Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." (ESV)

As our 31-day challenge comes to a close, I hope you've discovered some ways to infuse Quiet into your ordinary days.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. Hopefully, we've become more aware of how vital Quietness is to our inner selves. The more we focus on cultivating a Gentle and Quiet spirit, the more we will naturally shine for Him and be calmer with our day-to-day people.
Keep chasing Quiet, friends.
It's a Godly gift for each and every one of you!
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