In honor of our country's birthday and the liberties we have to express our faith, our July theme for the Month-by-Month Bible Quilt Journal series is
- - - FREEDOM! - - -
Our ultimate Freedom is a gift from Christ and one that we probably don't celebrate enough. This month will give us time to reflect on some verses related to salvation and remind us of all we have to rejoice about.
I'm decorating my calendar page with red, white & blue washi tape and patriotic stickers, adding the daily scripture references along the way.
You can choose any of the scriptures from the 31 Days of Freedom reference list to fill in the blank spaces on the calendar page. I selected John 8:36 as my anchor verse.
"So if the SON sets you FREE, you will be FREE INDEED."
Thanks to Annette, a local Bible Quilting friend, for cultivating our list of freedom references for us this month!
Since this is the beginning of another quarter, the download includes 3 months of reference lists. I printed out my set of bookmarks on yellow card stock for these sunny months of summer, then decorated them with washi tape and stickers. (Note: July Day #2 should be 2 Cor 3:17)
I just happened to have a printout of the phrase, Free Indeed, which went along nicely with my anchor verse. I added the other theme words and some embellishments on the back of the bookmarks before I laminated them. I'll tuck the August and September bookmarks into the pocket at the back cover of my journal until I'm ready for them.
I've started writing out the full scriptures on a set of Flip cards, then will begin adding a daily verse to the 31-day template spread in my Monthly BQJ. You could also print out the 31-day set to add it into another journal.
Annette designed this flag for the Monthly BQJ that looks like it's waving in the breeze. It will be a fun one to decorate with our freedom verses!
I did a Freedom page on the flag template a couple years ago. It may have some different verses, but it may help spur you on with some ideas.
For the July page in the BQ Calendar, I decided to pull together verses on a "Celebrate!" theme.

If you get rolling with patriotic colors, you can use those embellishments to do a Community Prayer page for our nation, too
Tis the season of fireworks and outdoor celebrations. Hope you have some wonderful family gatherings, perhaps even making up for some of the lost opportunities we missed last year.
"I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts." Psalm 119:45
This is some good stuff! So glad you all are so smart so that my mind doesn’t have to work so hard!
I’m looking forward to working on my red, white, and blue freedom pages. Praying for another Great Awakening as I pray for our country. Thank you, Annette, for the references.