Our theme for this month is "Take HEART."
I love the Colossians 3:12 verse that reminds us to "clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." I used this as my feature verse, then selected verses that reinforced each of these attributes.
I thought if we can fill ourselves with these attributes, building upon them each day, then we can "take heart" throughout the month of February.
You can follow along with my 29 Days of Heart pages or develop your own theme using the 29-day template.
While your kiddos are making their valentines, you can make a flip card set for the month.

Another option is to use the heart template in the Bible Quilt journal or simply to create your own page as you feel inspired.
There are a lot of "love" ideas on Pinterest and plenty of heart stickers floating around, so enjoy this season of love and friendship!

Check the EVENTS link for our monthly sessions.

We're wrapping up February with one of my Mom's favorite verses. She was such a great example of living out this verse! ❤️

And - - - as a special LEAP day bonus, I'm offering 29% off all digital products in the online shop on FEB 29th only. Use code LEAP.
So, LEAP on over and grab you some goodies!
Bible Quilt Journal shop
#29daysofheart #love #heart #compassion #friendship #takeheart #leapday #leapyear2020