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Michelle Therese
Feb 03, 2020
In Introduce yourself...
My name is Michelle Therese. I'm an American Navy veteran living on our organic sheep and cattle farm here in Scotland - married to my Scottish farmer man Erlend. We have three young children, Elspeth who is 11 and our twins Ingebjørg and Benjamin who are 10. I moved here because at the time me and Erlend met I was living in a really cool one room cabin up in Alaska but it was very small and here was Erlend with an entire farm so it just made sense! (I mean, he even had **flush toilets** and hot water! Betty rocker you sweet talker!) And we've had quite the adventure together the 14 years I've been here on our little island! I very recently discovered "Bible Quilting" and immediately thought WOW our kids would really love to learn how to do this! We have no TV and we encourage creativity and reading books and all sorts of imaginative playtime. So our bairns really do love artsy things and I want to introduce them to Bible study that goes beyond just "sit still and listen!"... they are at the age now that they want to get involved more with helping to search things out! And what better time to start than right "in the bleak mid winter..." when it's so dark here and we are getting pounded by gales and rain and hail while we hide out in our wee little stone farmhouse? (We got one big fat gale howling right now as I type!) On the flip side we get 24 hour daylight at the height of summer and we have an old dairy building that we converted to an art studio - can't really use it in winter but by summer we'll be Bible Quilting away and can move our MESS out there and off the kitchen table hah! Now I know what we can do with the stash of Washi tape and stickers I've amassed over the years! We farm organic sheep and cattle and I am working to build up a flock of Shetland ewes especially for producing organic wool. So far I have one whole Shetland ewe... an ancient crotchety old lady full of spunk and tenacity - I just love her! Always stomping her hooves at me as she walks over to eat some feed from my hand so the kids named her "Stompy" It's proving to be difficult to source organic Shetland ewes.... never expected that hah! We are a rather wacky little family full of fun :-) God bless and have a beautiful day!! In Christ, Michelle Therese
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Michelle Therese

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