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Writer's pictureDianna

Women of the Word Bible Quilt® Journal: Eve

Updated: 1 day ago

Some of you may know that I hatched an idea to create a BQJ journal based on Women of the Bible after doing some individual pages on key characters the past few years.


Sidenote to my WoW BQJ Girls: I'm thrilled to have members of the BQ community joining me on this journey! I hope as you develop pages in your Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal, you'll discover details in familiar stories you didn't know before and take time to explore how each woman's story unfolded as part of God's overall plan. Pay attention to what resonates with you... that may be what the Lord wants to teach you during your current season of life.

As we dive into this ambitious project, I'll be sharing some of my past and current processes. Keep in mind that my pages have been a "work in progress" for some time, so your fresh journal packet will look different - - and probably more organized - - than mine! Some of the templates created for the Women of the Word BQJ were inspired by my own struggle to have a "starter" page to illustrate a particular woman's story. I hope my muddling process benefits you!

Eve, p 1, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal
Eve, p 1, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal

My BQ pages are a compilation of direct scripture writing, notes from lessons I've read or listened to, ephemera from online classes/resources, personal reflections, and sometimes even copied passages of scripture so I can get the whole passage documented. You can see many of these factors coming together on this very first page on Eve.

My pages may be "too busy" for you. As always, I encourage my #biblequiltingfriends to develop your own style!

I sometimes will add a post-it note with additional information... or maybe details I'm not sure I want to include permanently. I like the texture this adds to the overall page.

This is a flexible, on-going process for me. I hope it will be for you also as we each continue to grow in the Word, learning from scripture each and every time we read it. I don't have a particular agenda for the order of this journal and I'm not teaching lessons. I'm merely sharing a way to consolidate, organize, and personalize a devotional resource that you can build over time and have as a reference for years to come!

Eve, page 2, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal
Eve, page 2, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal

This second page, which began blank, shows how I combine scripture writing with notes I was taking from a podcast/youtube series. (I try to write down the source/date of info I integrate, but sometimes forget this step. 🤣)

These two pages would be a sufficient summary of Eve's story. In fact, I thought I had wrapped her up pretty good.

Then I discovered the Women of the Word Bible Journaling Conference and popped in to listen to a session on Eve. I accessed some of the free downloads to print out some illustrations to start another BQ page from a different perspective.

I added a washi tape border to reinforce the top edge of my page before I used my Happy Planner punch to make holes so I can add this page into my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal in progress.

I adapted the speaker's Bible journaling techniques onto my page. By the way, Janet was my source for the Women of the Bible checklist that you may have seen in my journal overview.

Eve, page 3, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal
Eve, page 3, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal: showing a tip-in

I used one of her creative elements I'd printed on card stock to make a tip-in for personal reflections. Note: Keep this "tip-in" option in mind if there's something you'd like to add to a finished page!

Eve, page 3, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal with a tip-in

I inserted the page into my Women of the Word BQ journal. I didn't add a tab because I already have one on the prior 2-sided page.

We are so fortunate to be able to access online conferences, podcasts, and Bible reading plans, to get a jumpstart on some of our #biblequiltjournal pages. I thought I'd share my approach to these types of experiences. You're welcome to use my affiliate link below to check out this resource that's focused on female characters in the Bible:

Eve, page 4, in my Women of the Word Bible Quilt Journal

My 4th page is shaping up to be a combination of sources (e.g. the women of the Bible devotionals I have on hand, some info from the Bible Project, etc) I'm leaving part of the page blank intentionally to capture additonal tidbits I pick up in later Bible studies. This is a template from the Character Study Trio, which is a new release.

I recently explored the Bible Project website more because I love the video synopses they do on each book of the Bible. For example, you may want to watch the introduction to Genesis as you study more about Eve. They have a Classroom option in which you can watch videos on a variety of topics, marking each lesson as complete so you can keep track of what you've watched. I reviewed the "Adam to Noah" one in order to glean some info on Eve. In the 3rd session Tim Mackie begins using the metaphor of the Bible as a Quilt! 😊

Below are some additional resource to help you launch some character study BQJ pages....or go ALL OUT and join me in developing a whole BQJ dedicated to Women of the Bible.

For the CLASSIC size (trim pages to 7" x 9.25)

Replay of our #zoomchat to discuss how to set up a disc-bound journal:

Related Posts including pages I've done previously that I'm incorporating into my WoW BQJ:

Ruth: a Tale of Redemption

Women of the Bible Quilt Journal: Introduction and Set-up (has links to devotional resources as well)

Other ways to follow along:

Check the BQJ Events for the next opportunity to discuss ideas with members of the BQ community.

Join the BQJ Facebook group to see what pages others are posting, ask questions, etc.

Invite your friends to join us! You can use this brief videoclip to help show them an example.

You may choose to take a sidestep to do a page on Creation. Or if you want to take in-depth notes on Genesis, you can get that template here:

Next character in my Women of the Bible BQJ: Noah's wife Sarah

We have SO many ways to explore the Bible this year. Let's do this!!


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