This month we're going to focus on REST.
The reference list is available in the shop. (Use code FREELIST to get the download free.)
Each of us finds rest different ways and have to adjust to different places and environments. Adopting an "attitude of rest" is going to be my challenge this month.
I happen to be traveling, so my pattern of REST is already disrupted on day #1. Go figure!
Since I've got teenagers who sleep late, I'm finding my Quiet early in the morning before they get up. Starting my day in my usual pattern helps maintain my connection to my internal quiet place, spending a little time with Jesus and the Word wherever I may be.
I love this first verse that Alice chose for our 31 Days of REST series.

"Come to ME..."
Yep, that is pretty much the quickest way to enter a spirit of REST, isn't it?
We need all the reminders we can to keep coming back to Jesus, so we've got this message again in Mark:
"Come with Me..."
We could probably just repeat those phrases all month long...maybe as a short arrow prayer?
I've got my flip card set full of my daily verses, so I can carry them with me on my daily to-and-fro of life. Typically I'll pull them out if I'm waiting on pick-up, kids from track practice, etc. However you can incorporate these little reminders into your daily routine, the more the message seeps REST in HIM.
Explore different ways of finding your way to REST.

Sometimes I've got to be active in my pursuit of REST. A walk with my eager companion, Katie, can help settle my busy mind and ground me in nature. This time of year is the awakening of things all around us and can be a time of renewal in our spirits as well.

If you're using the Month-by-Month Bible Quilt Journal, you've got the Grandmother's Flower Garden template available in conjunction with the 31-day template spread for March.
Although I haven't pinned down my specific topic, I've been playing around with some embellishments to get it ready.
I found this acrylic stamp set with ivy/leaves on it, so I used it to outline some of the borders.
Next, I played around with some patterned paper to fill in the center.
That's about as far as I got preparing my page before my road trip. It's a work in we all are!
3-7-20 update on this page: What I'm Learning About Rest
And, I'm thrilled to have the return of some spring days so we can hang up the hammock and have some cozy rest! The difference of perspective, looking up at the open blue sky and the tree branches etching out in contrast, is a multi-sensory rest & renewal for me.

I'm curious how you'll be focusing on finding your own patterns of REST this month. You're welcome to share in the comments below or in the FB group. Maybe one of your personal insights can help someone else in the BQ community!
3-12-20: Here's a BQ member sharing how she is getting her page set up:
She prepped her page with washi tape and decorated the inner circle with the title. Now when she gets home she can start adding her verses.
Thanks for sharing, Linda!
Spring Break: 1st #BQzoom session
3-31-20 update: When the coronavirus hit, we all had to adjust our daily routines. I found myself hosting two "quaranteens" who had been exposed to someone who tested positive.
It was amazing to be in this "study" of REST and then suddenly to have ALL activities canceled, finally giving all of our family calendars a much-needed rest. With shelter-in-place orders, we found ourselves AT HOME with the opportunity to physically and emotionally rest.
And these verses that were already in progress were a sweet balm to us as we all faced new challenges daily.