My go-to Bible is one that my Mom and sibs gave me back in 1999. It has seen me through the last bit of my graduate work, the birth of three children, two house moves, and so much more.
I've got a tiny pencil mark checking off each chapter of the Bible when I read it straight through with my son when he turned 13. Notes in the margin bring back a host of memories from different churches I've attended throughout the years.
I didn't know my trusty Bible needed a little glam...until my sis-in-law gave me some colorful vinyl tabs!

I spent part of a morning earlier this week listening to a Netflix show and attaching these cuties to each introductory page of the books of the Bible.
What I really appreciated about this set was the Tab Placement Guide included, which took the guesswork out of how to line them up.

Since the tabs are vinyl, they should be durable for a long time.
Although I've relied on my memory for flipping to different books of the Bible, I'll admit that the colorful tabs gave me a little boost during my devotional time this week while I was flitting between verses to add into my Bible Quilt journal.

The tabs have a flexible (almost soft) feel to them, which invites your fingers to flip through them easily. I noticed my son playing with them while he sat beside me during online church this morning. Kid tested; mother approved. 😊
So... in these days when we are not glamming up ourselves to be out-and-about much, maybe we can offer our beloved Bibles a little TLC?
- - - How do YOU "glam it up" in your Bible? - - -
Etsy has a huge variety of Bible tabs available for you to browse, shop or add to your gift list. This particular set was from Katie's shop, Farm Girl Journals. She's graciously offered us the coupon code QUILT15 to get 15% her adorable tabs.
If you've got any other tried-and-true tabs, please add info in the comments.
#Bibletabs #glam #etsy #FarmGirlJournals #biblequiltjournal #biblequilting #tipsandtricks