"His love is made complete in us." I John 4:12
There are so many verses on love that you can do a whole page: L is for...LOVE
Look at this lovely "L" a young lady designed for us for the ABC Bible Quilt Journal!

I've always liked the reference to the spiritual LEGACY of this mother-grandmother duo of Eunice & LOIS that is such a poignant reminder of the need to pour into our kids/grandkids, planting seeds of faith and nurturing them as those children grow.
"Let your eyes LOOK straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways." Proverbs 4:25

Sometimes focusing on one attribute makes an impact as shown by this lovely page on LISTENING by Mary Jo.

You're welcome to share your "L" pages in the comments below!

#biblequiltjournal #abcsofthebible #abcbiblequiltjournal #Lisfor__
#love #Lord #light #lamb #laugh #lift
#lay #lion #lamp #live #legacy
#look #Lois #listen #liberated
L is for Lord. Revelation 17:14
L is for lovingkindness, light, Lamb, living water, lifts, Lord, leads, loved, and lamp
Love it!😀
L is for Lord, Lamb, Learn, Love/Loves/Loved, Lamp, Light, Lion, Live/Liveth/Life
That verse was one of my Mom’s favorites. ❤️
...Luke, Leviticus, Lamentations, Lazarus, "...Lean not on your own understanding..." ~Proverbs 3:5b