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These TAG tabs will give you a jumpstart on setting up your Bible Quilt journal with 10 popular topics, such as hope and grace. 


Download, print, and cut. Use card stock to provide you with durability over time. Consider printing on a colored sheet of card stock to give you an instant pop of color. 


You can attach one tab to a single page and have both sides of that page have verses on that topic, or you can glue two of the tabs back-to-back to have 1 side of a page per topic. It really depends on how in-depth your study on a particular topic will be. 


You can color and attach the tabs all at once so that you have several pages prepped. Or, add tabs as you create pages.


Attach the tabs to your journal by gluing the bottom half to the edge of your journal page, leaving the top half peeking over the edge. You can add a strip of washi tape across the tab to reinforce it on the page. Stagger the tabs to allow for visibility. 


If you want to add more texture to these, hole-punch the small circle at the top of the tab then tie a piece of ribbon or baker's twine to it. This is a fun way to make this section of your BQ journal stand out!


"When I am afraid, I will trust in you." Psalm 56:3


This TAG tab set is included in the back of the 2020 Bible Quilt Journal. You may choose to download and print this set to add to the back side of those tabs in order to have your topic visible on both sides.

TAG tabs

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