Now that we're in to fall, we can dive into all the fun fall embellishments!
This Autumn Harvest template has the beginnings of a pumpkin patch and a scatter of leaves, so it's pretty easy to add depth by putting on some more pumpkin stickers.

I even found a sticker that was just the right size to label the truck's sign.
I began shading the banner while I contemplated what topic I wanted to focus on for this page.

The word ABUNDANCE kept coming to mind, so I tried the lettering in the banner and it worked perfectly!
I harvested some verses for this topic and wrote the references in along the top of the page like a border. I opted to put some word stickers on top of leaf stickers, floating them around the page to continue the fall vibe, rather than write out the full scriptures as I usually do.

Here's the backstory on how this particular template was developed:
Inspiration from a Paper Plate?? Yep!
Ready to give it a try?
Please post YOUR pages below in the comments or share over in the BQJ Facebook group.
#fall #leaves #pumpkins #harvest