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The Presence of God: 30 Days of Scripture Writing in our BQ Journals

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

2023 Monthly Bible Quilt Journal

In June we're going to explore the topic of the Presence of God in the Monthly Bible Quilt Journal, "Building on a Firm Foundation."

If you don't have the Monthly BQJ, follow along with us using the BQ Calendar, another BQ journal, or whatever personal study materials you have.

This topic may evoke some personal reflections.

Where do you feel God's presence the most?

In what circumstances have you felt the hand of God moving in your life?

How has the presence of God enveloped you during your personal "stormy" seasons as you've had to navigate particular challenges?

Just as the Israelites were reassured by the Lord's presence thousands of years ago, we benefit from His same powerful support today.

When we're feeling weary, we're reminded that in HIS PRESENCE there is REST.

What other attributes will we gain new insights about as we explore this month's verses together?

You may access the year's full list of references as a free printable with code FREELIST. They're formatted as bookmarks, so cut out the one on the Presence of God and let's get started!

Add the dates on the June calendar page by handwriting them, stamping, or applying stickers. Then add the daily verses, the next BQ Zoom chat, and whatever devotional goals you may have for the month.

Thanks to Janet for curating our verses this month. She's part of an Alabama small group that meets weekly, using the BQ Journal for their beautiful scripture writing practice together.

Holy Spirit reference list and flip card set

Writing out the scriptures onto a flip card set helps us become familiar with the verses and the surrounding passages to understand it in context. Once completed, the flip cards make a handy personal reference or a resource to share with a friend who might need extra encouragement from the Word.

If you want to shorten the time spent prepping your flip cards, we've got a digital version of all the verses typed out and formatted. Just print and cut, then slide the cards onto a binder ring!

After you've gotten your scriptures gathered up, you're all set to begin the 2-page spread in the Monthly BQ Journal. It's also available as a printable if you don't have the journal or would like an extra to share with a friend.

2-page template spread on the Holy Spirit

It's so meaningful to fill up these pages with beautiful scripture about the Lord's presence! I'll share my completed pages in the Comments section of this post and invite YOU to do the same.

We also have the featured template of the month, the Cloud, designed by Audra. It is adaptable for a wide variety of topics.

Here's a sample "in Christ" page I did several years ago:

Dove template

Cloud-watching is pretty fascinating, isn't it?

If we think of the constantly changing array of clouds that God is orchestrating for our daily delight, it provides a mere glimpse into His glorious handiwork in creation and in us.

You may be inspired to do additional pages on some parallel topics, like this one on God being WITH us:

"With" page in my Bible Quilt Journal
"With" page in my Bible Quilt Journal

The options are endless. Follow however the Lord leads you!!

~~~ June will be here before we know it! ~~~

For June in the 2023 BQ Calendar, we've got a version of the Sermon Notes template, which is imminently versatile for whatever additional subject you'd like to focus on this month.

Oh, and don't forget to mark your calendars for our next BQ Chat to discuss this month's topic, ideas about Father's Day verses, and perhaps venturing into some summer pages. RSVP at the link below and receive a reminder email the day before the online meeting.

Regular Zoom attendees, please note that this one is on a Thursday

rather than the usual Tuesday!!


Resources that might be helpful this month: June 2023

Please share YOUR completed pages in the Comments section below to develop a robust resource for our whole BQ community.

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My version of the Clouds template:

Other samples at this link.



My completed 2-page spread on the #PresenceofGod

#June2023 #monthlybiblequiltjournal

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