“Lord Jesus Christ ... have mercy on me” Luke 18:13
This phrase is often referred to as the Jesus prayer. It is an example of a breath prayer which is basically the first part of a verse stated during an inhale and the latter part of the verse stated during an exhale.
It's a simple way to slow down and focus on a calming practice to release our cares to God.

I designed a couple #biblequiltjournal templates to help us capture some of our favorite breath prayers.

The Psalms are a great resource for meditative phrases we can use as breath prayers.
“The Lord is my Shepherd…I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1

In our busy daily lives, we often do not pause long enough to take some deep breaths and ground ourselves in the Word.
Breath prayers are a way to incorporate a soulful respite in our days.
"Be Still and know that I Am God." Psalm 46:10

This was a relaxing process to select some of my favorite soothing scriptures. I left the page open and airy, keeping the embellishments neutral and light.
We've got a busy family season coming up in May so I think I'll leave this page out on display as a visual reminder to slow down with some breath prayers.
Got ideas for how you'd like to use this template?
You're welcome to join us on the next BQ Zoom chat!