The Open Bible template can be used for selected topics or even as a summary for particular books of the Bible.

I drew inspiration from a framed print of my Mom's. It depicts a windblown Jesus gazing upward with a passage from John printed below the illustration.
I took a photo of the print which was hanging on the wall, printed it small on 4 x 6 photo paper, then trimmed it to fit the BQ template.
I shaded the interior of the template with a neutral parchment color, and used a slightly darker hue on the outer pages.
I colored the "book" part blue and then added a velvety sticker for the ribbon, enjoying how it provided texture to the bookish look.
Next I added a couple more scriptures to fill the second half of the page.

Since I wasn't sure how I wanted to "stitch" another verse in while maintaining the look of an open Bible, I decided to use a post-it note.

I shaded the background of the page with a pale yellow pastel so as not to detract from the focus, then finished off with a couple stickers.